In which I try, and fail (to quit trying).

This weekend was to be The Big Weekend. The Big Weekend is Video Weekend. Video Weekend means I finally, finally, FINALLY shoot the video of my newest, bestest, awesomest sculpture commission!

No. (You read the blog, headline, righ? No surprises.)

I did a lot of work to make this happen. As I had been overwhelmed with other work last week, I was really looking forward to this weekend and its abundance of free hours on Friday night, Saturday day and Sunday day to make some magic happen.

Friday night was some art marketing work that needed doing. Done. Saturday I made some good progress, though I allowed my sanity to have its own whole day and I freaked out over not having sufficient and proper lighting. Did you know that light bulbs are colored? White lights, they have color. Photographers know this, which means I know this, but I’ve been able to dodge the issue until now using various tricks or simply by ignoring it. Saturday, however, it was suddenly, disgustingly clear to me that when I put the sculpture under a ceiling halogen and side-lit it with incandescent lights I got an unbearable purple-ish hue all over everything.

Purple. Purpllllllle! Sure, maybe y’all wouldn’t notice, but I would, and I think that you would too anyway, because y’all have eyes. Plus (PLUS!!!), I had to take photos, and THOSE would DEFINITELY show purple. All. Day. Long. For the rest of my life. On my web site. To people. To people for whom I want to actually see my stuff looking nice and cool and fascinating as opposed to, “Why does that look weird? Something’s not right about that one…uh, maybe I should go check my email or look for pictures of puppies playing cards or something…”

So, no, this would do. I had to fix it. How, you ask? Recall my comment about the ceiling halogens. Good, right? And I actually HAD more halogens…on the ceiling. I didn’t see that as a problem. Only some chain and a couple hooks stand between a ceiling light becoming a side light.

Witness my awesomeness:

Trust me, it'll look like magic when it's done!

Trust me, it’ll look like magic when it’s done!

That was super nifty, but there were still details, the last of which was realizing that I needed to add the glass planters. I got them all unpacked, then realized they were horridly fingerprinted. One more thing, but I carefully washed them – oh, they had stickers on them. The stickers would not come off. I had to go find some WD40 to remove the goo. Okay, NOW they were cleaned! At that moment I realized I had to split for a band gig. So close, but Sunday would be gold!

Sunday arrived, I was up early, made it to church, then realized I HAD to get groceries lest I starve the rest o’ the week. Went and got groceries. Brought groceries home. Got all of the groceries put away except for two items. Went to put two items on cupboard shelf positioned above where glass planters were sitting on counter. Hit an almost completely empty bottle of Planters Lightly Salted Peanuts, whereupon the deadly nutty missile launched itself off the shelf and straight onto the counter top, hitting one of the planters, knocking it into the sink, and then…

The pain! The pain!

The pain! The pain!


I refuse to admit defeat. I’ll get it done, and while I’m waiting for the new planter to arrive in the mail, I’m going to get other stuff done. (As my dear mum is fond of saying, “Consider your options.) I shan’t give up! Shall not give up!!!!!