Better traffic


So I’m snoozing my way into work on yet another Wednesday morning, and suddenly this automobile shoots by me in the left lane. It was so sudden I didn’t even get the settings changed on the camera before I started shooting one-handed. It was the Wednesday before the Indy 500, and I knew exactly what was going on immediately. It is on this day every year that the track has a “drive around the Brickyard” day where you get to drive your own automobile out onto the track. My dad’s Model T club has been attending this event for several years now. I knew this had to be one of the guys from the club. He happened to stay on my route for another couple of miles, but at the first intersection where he pulled into the left turn lane to head south, we happened to hit a red light. I jumped out of my car and ran up and said hello to him. Man, what a cool way to start the morning.

As an aside, I just KNOW this guy was running a Model A crank in that thing! He was hitting 35mph with no problems! Model Ts just never could turn that high with the factory non-counterweighted crank. This thing was a rocket!

Custom commute


This is a 1966 Ford Custom 500. I see this guy occasionally on my way in to work. I want to drive something like this to work every day. Okay, maybe not exactly like this, but something old and cool, and this is certainly a lot older and cooler than anything I’ve driven in to work since maybe I was riding the R90S to work, and even that is ten years newer than this thing (although it is incredibly cool).

Do you have a favorite car, a favorite OLD car? What would your ideal commuter vehicle be, if’n it could be something with a little class and style? I have a list, but it’s about twenty or forty vehicles long. Right now I’d like it to be a ’55 Chevy done up like the one in the movie “Two Lane Blacktop.”