It’s Just Not Working Out Right Now

This will be my second attempt at a post.  I can’t seem to get much written lately.  I can’t seem to get much of anything creative done lately, actually.  When Awesome Reader Olivia asked about why I hadn’t blogged, I told her what was going on and why, and she said, “Why don’t you blog about that?”  Since the situation is really annoying, and it’s been bothering me, I’m giving up on appearing competent and writing about “How This is Just not Working Out Right Now.”

I’ve created almost nothing in the last nineteen days.  In November I did almost nothing except work on my novel for NaNoWriMo.  I scheduled one hour during that month to work on one of my sculptures.  Other than that, it was all writing.

When NaNo came to a close I took a deserved mini-break, but did write a couple thousand words during the first week of December.  I think I sat down one Saturday and hammered some out, or maybe it was that Sunday at the coffee shop with the girl reading Wroblewski.  Anyway, I wrote then, but that’s all I’ve done on the novel since November ended.

Not long after NaNo ended something funny happened to my right hand.  I’m not at all sure what I did or how I did it, but I strained something in my hand, and now I can’t do anything too strenuous with it.  I can still pick up stuff, type, eat – all that good stuff – but I can’t grip very well.  It hurts to do that.  Feels like a muscle strain.  I can’t practice guitar, and that’s been bugging the hell out of me.  I can’t really do any sculpture work, because I’m right handed and that pursuit is all about the firm grasping of tools and wire, so there’s been no sculpture for at least two weeks.

I think the guitar and the sculpture stuff has backed me into a corner on the writing as well.  It’s just one big pile of suck, and I’m not doing so well at getting out of it.  And for those wonder, no, I haven’t gone to the doctor.  Are you mad?  That might help!  Actually, it seemed like such a small thing when it happened that I just figured I’d leave it alone and not stress it for a while and it would go away.  I’ve actually had this happen before in the past and it has gone away.  This seems to be lingering, however, and I’m not sure if part of it is just the fact that these days I’m doing a lot more that requires hand-work, or that maybe I’m just better at taking care of myself these days and I’m not apt to just ignore it and do whatever I want anyway.

I’m debating the doctor visit.  I don’t like doctors.  Actually, that’s not true.  I don’t mind doctors at all, it’s the taking time off from work and spending half a day sitting around in an office only to be told, “Yeah, there’s not much we can do about it.  You’ll just have to avoid using it as much as possible.” that really bugs the crap out of me.  This seems to happen to me most of the time when I go to the doctor.

Perhaps there will be some writing done this weekend.  I really am missing the guitar and sculpture work, however.  I had a thought before Christmas to make some ornaments for family from copper wire, and I can’t even really do that.  Not fun.

At least there’s a blog post up.  I’ve not been 100% taken out of the game.