Brotherly awesomeness

Sometimes I just feel like I’m blessed with uncountable awesomeness in my life.

Tuesday my brother sent me an email with “Sculpture material” in the subject line.  Now, my brother doesn’t do any sculpture that I know of, so I wondered what this could actually pertain to.  I opened it immediately.  “I found these in Ryan’s basement.  I thought you could use them for your sculpture.  They would look cool all rusty and beat up like they are.”

Attached was a photo of two objects that were definitely rusty and dirty.  They looked like giant drill bits, the sort that are used for earth or concrete work.  I couldn’t exactly tell how big they were, but they were maybe a couple of inches around and about two or three feet long.  Nice.

“There’s one more,” he added.  “I’ll bring them over later.”  More nice.

Thursday my brother stopped by my place only moments after I got home.  “Check ’em out, man,” he said, laying two of them down on the floor of my back hall.  “Aren’t they cool?”

Oh, yes.  Yes they are:

With my trusty beverage fuel can for reference, you can get an idea of how big these things are.  Ben opined that the middle one and the one on the right were actually one piece way back in history, and at some point rent assunder.  The one on the left is just a shorty, poor thing.  I wonder if it ever felt insufficient in the bed of the construction truck next to the other, longer augers. 

Clearly, my brother rules.  It touches my heart that he said, “I saw these three rusted, broken, dirty things, and I thought of you.”  That’s love, dudes.  These pieces of cast iron are now destined for greatness at my hands.  The only real problem now is that I have to create an entire sculpture specifically in which to use them, maybe even two separate ones.  I’ve never exactly shied from more sculpture work, though, have I?