Invitation and Publication

Tom Harold Rolling Ball Sculpture gues post.

The Metal Store published my guest blog post, a brief history of my career with photos and video.

Several weeks back on one of my Facebook groups a post popped up about guest blogging. The writer of the post was looking to create content for a metal supply company’s blog and called for offers from artists. I jumped at the chance. It was a fun way to share a little more about my work and make sure my message was going out to the right crowd.

I wrote an article about my piece Tillander, as I’d just completed it. I sent it off, and the blog manager wrote back and said, “We like it, but do you think you could write more of an introductory piece about yourself, and then we’ll run the other a bit later?” Two articles? Yes!

Today the first article was published. It’s a nice little piece that details my general background from youth up until present day, an examination of the somewhat meandering path that got me to where I am now. It’s all original writing, so you’ll see nothing else like it anywhere on my web site. You can click here for my art career post on The Metal Store’s blog.

I hope you enjoy the post, and thanks for supporting my art!


I could have hardly expected success again so soon, but it has been given to me! Last night I got an email from Library of Horror Press that they will be publishing my story titled “Infestation” in their upcoming collection “Fearology 2: Beware All Animals Great and Small.”

I’m pretty stoked about this whole affair. Not only am I getting published again, but I found out that on this occasion my story is one out of only 23 that were picked for the anthology, and that was out of over 140 submissions! That’s about fifteen percent! And, on top of all that, I’m actually going to get paid for this one! Paid! Someone is giving me money for a story that I wrote! Can you believe that? I’m being compensated for the work I put into a story. In this economy, that’s slightly staggering to the mind that there’s a place out there giving writers money for words. I have to say I’m pretty dang pleased to be one of those people!

As soon as I have more information on the issue – when it is coming out, where it can be purchased, all that jazz – I will update here.

I celebrated last night by having some cake and ice cream (with whipped cream!) with a friend. She asked me how I planned to celebrate further, and I said, “I’m going to write more and send out more stuff.” It seems to me that a pretty good way to celebrate something that you’re good at doing is by continuing to do that thing, and so I shall. I hope to have further publication news for you as time passes. It’s obviously possible for me to get some work out there, now I just need to work harder at it and see what the results will be from that work!


Check it out, dudes!!!! The August 2010 issue of Skive Magazine – the vampire issue! The story is titled “Luna,” and I’ll not really go into what it’s about, save that it’s obviously about fanged people.

I’ve been published before, but never for fiction. This is a first! Sweet! This is the beginning of my published fiction history!

A friend of mine commented on my announcement, and our friendship goes back a few years, with an initial shared interest in writing. She said we were discussing writing while she was in her old apartment, which she moved out of in 2006, “so it’s been a while.” I guess I’m seeing the payoff of persistence here, and it’s good to know that rather than sitting around and worrying about what the outcome might be, I just went ahead and wrote!

Okay, now I think I’ll celebrate by writing and submitting more stuff!