Arrrrr! Here Be a Photo!

Avast, ye!  Prepare to be sculpted!

Avast, ye! Prepare to be sculpted!

They trucked in two tons of sand to Garfield Park on the south side of my town to do these giant sand sculptures. There are three major ones, plus a bunch of play areas where kids and adults can build their own. You can see by the guy standing at the right how huge this thing is. It’s probably around eighteen feet from the ground to the top of the pirate flag. How cool! There was another sculpture with a small boat with two pirates being overwhelmed by a kraken, and some really cool giant tiki heads on another. Nice bit of entertainment for an afternoon.

Okay, by singular demand (because I value every one of my Awesome Readers), I present another photo from the Pirate Sand Adventure. Ladies and gents….THE KRAKEN!

Three pirates being dragged to a watery death by the fearsome sea creature, the kraken!

Three pirates being dragged to a watery death by the fearsome sea creature, the kraken!