Night Light and NaNo Novel


This was the only picture I had energy left for after spending about two hours straight talking about my NaNo novel. The discussion was a lot more exciting than this picture, but not so exciting that you’d actually want to hear the details. I just got some feedback and ideas on what I might want to change for the rewrite. Ugh, I just backed up my commitment to the rewrite in that last sentence. Gah. GAH! Rewrite! AHHHH!

I should do this, though. I should rewrite it. I told myself I was going to, and, I don’t know, maybe it’s not such a bad story, you know? Maybe. That might not even matter, the good or lack of good in the whole thing. It might just be important that I go back and write the whole thing, you know? Might just be important to follow through, to get some practice at that, get some idea of what it’s like to do a rewrite, maybe confirm that I actually am into this whole thing. With all this metal stuff lately, it’s been hard to concentrate on other stuff, but that novel is out there now, out there on my hard drive, and I think I should give it some effort. It may not be awesome, but it’s not horrid, either.