Grab some popcorn and make yourself comfortable


…for I have plenty of movies to share. Yes, these are all VHS tapes, gathered during the dark ages before the DVD rose to prominence and guided us all with its shimmering light – which, of course, died out the moment that Blu Ray took over. But anyway, here are a few of my movies, plus some oddball random crap. See any favorites?

Working on Wheels of Death

...Yeah, just, uh, move that thing!  And that other thing!

...Yeah, just, uh, move that thing! And that other thing!

Monday was the big car scene shoot for “8 Wheels of Death,” the zombie movie I’m in. Before I became one of the cast, however, I volunteered the use of my and my brother’s Chevelle for use in a scene. After having had to reschedule the shoot once due to fears of rain, we finally got it all together on Monday night. My brother was a hero, taking a half day off of work and trucking the car down there while I left work and immediately headed south to meet with him at the shoot.

Here some of the crew decided camera and mic placement for a key scene in which someone gets killed. Good times, right? I know! They even got some fake blood on the dashboard! And, there was a shot where an admission ticket had to be used, and they had left the prop at home. My brother said, “There are tickets on the dashboard,” as that’s where we often “keep” drag tickets after a racing event. They used one of them, and now I have a fake-blood-stained ticket as a souvenir of the whole thing. You gotta love that.

It was fun. It was big fun! I can’t wait until the actual acting shoot that’s coming up in a little over a week!