
Many, many art mags, some children's lit, a few colored pencils, and a Nebraska license plate.  All the learnin' you need.

Many, many art mags, some children's lit, a few colored pencils, and a Nebraska license plate. All the learnin' you need.

Darrel loaned me a bunch of his art magazines, because he’s cool like that. I’ve read through one of them already. My immediate impression was that there’s a whole lot more going on out on the West Coast than there is here, but what do I know? I also learned that there’s a pretty awesome little cottage industry booming with art toys – these goofy little whimsical, weird, fun, bizarre, cute, odd and rather detailed little figures made out of all sorts of media, though vinyl seems to be really popular. Anyway, it’s fun stuff to learn about, and I’m happy to have been given the opportunity to pick up on it for free. (Free!)