RIP John Hughes

Plenty of writers have already gone to press/web with writeups and synopsese of Hughes and his career. For more background, you can read articles such as this one, and I won’t try to outdo those or simply repeat them. I’ll simply say that John Hughes was responsible for work that made me laugh my friggin’ ass off and feel pretty good about life during some years where I otherwise spent far too much time looking for ways to be miserable. Thanks, John, for the reminder of just how much there is to enjoy out of life.

And this blog entry is just about the most priceless thing I could ever think of to uncover on this subject. It’s about a young girl who took the time to write to John back in the Breakfast Club days and wound up with a friend. Read it. It’s an outstanding example of how reaching out can have an enriching effect on our lives. If someone inspires you, be it a parent, an artist, a sibling, a friend, a photographer, a musican – let them know. You may never hear anything back from them, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t make ripples on the water.