Power Up!

Green power.

Green power.

This photo is from Saturday the eighth. Went down to Norris, Tennessee to play at a wedding reception this weekend. There’s a dam at Norris, and it just so happened that the wedding reception was taking place very close to said dam. Before getting to the location and setting up our gear, the drummer and I stopped to check things out, and I shot this photo. I suppose I could have showed you the other side of the dam where the lake was with a couple of boats on it, but that was a bit of a yawn photo. Yes, the water was nice and still, but nothing was happening, and the light wasn’t so OMGamazing as to make it into some kind of gorgeous panorama. Plus, I like mechanical-ish stuff, and powerplants run off of water power are kind of cool in my little opinion. I think the structure of the plant surrounded by all the incredible greenery of the valley makes for a rather interesting photo. Indiana is just flat, which is probably partly why I go, “Oh! Look at all the pretty hills!” Throw in a hydro plant and it gets a little more interesting for all, or so I hope.