Salvo number three fired!

It seems I’m building up a bit of a head of steam here. Today I managed to get another short story sent out to another publisher, Library of Horror Press! This is the third story I’ve sent out in three months, which makes it a record for me in the number of submissions I’ve submitted within one year. I realize that three per year isn’t exactly anything to write home about, but it is something to blog about. After all, it was only a few short years ago that I wasn’t even writing anything, and then I was writing and not submitting. Then there was writing and submitting one piece. Now we’re up to three pieces. Progress, kids, progress. That’s what we strive for here. Maybe one day I’ll be celebrating getting my 20th submission in six months. Or maybe a single novel? It’s impossible to say, but the facts remain that I’m doing more writing work now than I used to, and that’s nothing but good.

The latest submission is a piece I have sent out before, but I did some editing before I sent it out again. None of the changes were really large. I feel they tightened things up a bit, hopefully added a few bits for clarity, and overall made it a better read. The previous editor’s personal rejection told me that he really enjoyed the piece, but that he was short on space by the time I submitted it. I’m getting this one in over three weeks prior to the deadline, so maybe I’ve given myself a better chance of seeing it in print. One can hope.

The story I submitted early this July has not been responded to yet. I’m concerned, as it states on the site that acknowledgment of reception is usually given within 24 hours. I’m primarily concerned, because I’ve already identified another market for this same story, should it be rejected. I don’t want it to be stuck in limbo and only find out after this other deadline has passed that they somehow never got mine. As this second submission deadline closes in I may have to write and inquire. It’s too bad if they didn’t receive it, as I understand that they personally respond to ever single submission, and feedback from publishers is always nice. When you’re not getting paid, feedback is currency.

We shall see how all this pans out. In the meantime, I’ve come across another market I’d like to submit for, but this one has the caveat that the deadline is in three days, and I literally have to write the entire story from nothing in that time. I’m excited about the story idea, but not sure if I can make it happen. I think I’m going to give it a shot, though. It sounds like a fun story – creepy things in the depths of the ocean! Who can resist?!