Making Changes, Moving Forward

It has been long coming that I made some changes in my web presence. To that end I have put together a site dedicated solely to representing finished pieces of my art, both past and those awaiting homes. It is currently located here. The new site will enable those who want to purchase my art a simple way to access it, make inquiries and purchases. You, my wonderful readers, will still be able to come here and read about my musings on creativity and overcoming obstacles in the creation of art. For clarity, I’ll state: the blog is not going away! It will continue as it always has, but with the added feature of being a communication arm of my art site. I will be making some changes to the appearance of the blog as well, but that will not affect the content or my delivery of it in any way.

In other news, I am working hard on completing another piece of sculpture. It’s smaller in size and easily fits on a desktop. I have plenty of pics and will post a write up and photos as soon as I am able. This one was not commissioned and will be available for sale to the general public, so check back in to see what I’ve cooked up!