


There’s this one little section of road that I pass through every day on my way to and from work. It’s so sharply curved you can’t even call it an S. It’s literally two 90-degree bends, one right after the other. If you’re heading north on the road, this is the left turn you have to take. Note that the view is somewhat obstructed here by a Honda. Not that said Honda is not on the road. While I do understand the allure of off-roading, I’m thinking that a Honda passenger car was probably not the best choice for this endeavor.

Honestly, folks, this intersection breeds more accidents – see the arrow signs? See the shiny guardrail? You know WHY that guardrail is shiny? Wait – you know why PART of that guardrail is shiny? It’s because only a few weeks ago someone else decided that simply hitting the ditch was not good enough, and they went through it and took part of the guardrail with them.

This happens far more often than I can count. I’ve been making this drive for over a year now, and just about every other time it rains or snows or freezes or it’s perfectly sunny even someone decides to use this section of road as a National Highway Safety bumper testing zone. Let’s also not forget the one day when some semi driver thought he had come up with some sweet back route, drove down this way, got here, and went, “Oh…I can’t make this turn…and I can’t back up…and now there’s a school bus behind me…and…oh…damn.”

Aside from any sort of finger pointing or whatever, I really just think it’s kind of funny that people repeatedly fail to slow down enough to make this curve. Doesn’t even look like this guy even tried to get it turned left, just like he went, “Well, goin’ over. Guess I’ll just meet it head-on!”