Crispy, Part Two

Some burned wire snippets, some carb cleaner - the makings of a beautiful evening, I tell ya.

Some burned wire snippets, some carb cleaner - the makings of a beautiful evening, I tell ya.

Yeah, it’s more burned wire, but see what I did? So how I “changed it up” for you? I put the wires ON THE GROUND(!!!!!), and then I *gasp* PUT A CAN OF CARB CLEANER NEXT TO THEM!!!!!! AND THE WIRES HAVE CRUSTY, GOOEY, CUT-UP ELECTRICAL TAPE ON THEM!

I know, you’re shocked. See, that’s how I am, always out there on the creative edge, thinking, planning, creatively creating. Yeah, it’s all in the composition, and the lighting, that too. You’re welcome.

(Any semblance between this carefully orchestrated image and the leftovers of an hour spent pulling filthy, burnt wiring out from under the hood of a ’67 Chevelle is purely coincidental. No part of this blog entry is based on real characters or events, especially if those events make those characters look like mechanical gastropods.)