Crispy, Part 4 Plus Woah Power 8/18/09

My bro takes the "broken" out of the brakes.

Tuesday night was more work on the Chevelle. This time my brother came over to help. I did a little work on the wiring before he got there, and then we went to work on the brakes. I guess the good thing about the wiring burning up is that, while I was looking the car over under the hood, I noticed that the driver’s front brake hose was being rubbed through by the wheel when it was turned full left. This, as one may surmise, ain’t good. I got a replacement hose, and that evening we replaced it. My brother is bleeding the air out of the system here. It’s another shoddy photo attempt, but I was too busy and too wiped out and too dirty to mess with the camera any more than to do this one. Actually, aside from some completely random shots of the road on the way to work that morning, this was the only picture I took all day, the only one that was consciously composed, which says a lot about how busy I was and how crummy my composition is when I try *really* hard and I’m tired.