

There’s a canal that runs near my house, and I drive along it for part of my drive to and from work. The angle is bad, and you can’t see much of it, but it was a sunny day and everything was green. That, and at the right edge you can see that big orange side-wheeled thing sitting in the canal. I think it’s essentially for “mowing” the sea weedy stuff out of the canal when it gets choked up. It’s been sitting there for weeks. I almost never see one in action, but they seem to like to park them along the canal for weeks at a time.

Bugged out


I didn’t like putting this guy down, but he flew in and was moving around the kitchen so fast I thought he was a regular paper wasp. I had those things in my bedroom when I was a little kid, and they can be nasty! I wish I knew what this one was. It’s obviously not a paper wasp. Sorry, buddy.