Mr. Lubie!



I don’t know how far the Mr. Lubie empire stretches across the country, but you see them here and there around Indiana. There used to be one down in Martinsville. I didn’t realized the franchise was so large they actually owned their own trucks! I want to drive one of these. I want to drive a big tanker full of used oil that says “Mr. Lubie” on the side of it.

I do so wish I could have been the people who came up with the entire idea for that chain, plus the graphics. It would have been the highlight of my year.

NaNo has Struck!



It’s that time of year again, folks! My life is officially being swallowed by the worldwide phenomena known as National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo to those of us who talk about it so much we have to shorten it. The challenge is to write a novel of not less than fifty thousand words in thirty days. I did it last year, got 76K of a 92K novel written in thirty days. I hope to be a lot closer to finishing my novel this year at the end of the month rather than dragging it out for an additional seven months afterward as I did last year.

It is very likely that my life will devolve into me spending most of my time at my laptop writing for the next thirty days. It is highly likely that posts here will become erratic and that you may not see the picture posts put up in a very timely manner. Rest assured, I’m not dead or sequestered on jury duty. I’m just writing a novel. A whole novel. In a month.

Little Bug



Definitely not my finest work. Quite shaky, but the subject is so cute it helps redeem me just a tiny bit. I was overrun with work and tired this day, and I only took six pictures, and three of them were of this little girl, and this was the best. Kind of pathetic, that, but there are some days where that’s all I’ve got in me.