Two new sculpture videos! “Emerging” and “Trio.”

I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to keep up on the posts, but I’m improving! I actually didn’t realize I’d missed last week’s, so you get TWO this week! How cool is that? (Answer: Extremely!)

“Emerging” is a great little piece that has two spirals plus a fantastic coil. The frame on this piece is a particular favorite accent of mine, and I would not be at all surprised to see something similar show up on future pieces (hint!). This piece was priced at $200, a range I’m trying to maintain for this whole series of smaller pieces. Someone already likes it enough to have made it a permanent part of their home.

My most recent piece is “Trio,” a complete devotion to the ever-popular track element, the spiral. Giving it its name are three spirals of varying sizes. It has that wonderful hypnotic effect that somehow straddles the line between calming and energetic. This one is also priced at $200, and as of this writing still available. You may purchase it through my web site,

Thanks again to those who continue to check in on my work and offer support! Assistance is always greatly appreciated in the form of forwarding my videos to anyone you feel may enjoy my work, as well as comments, and Likes. It means a lot!

2 thoughts on “Two new sculpture videos! “Emerging” and “Trio.”

  1. That is so cool! The icing is that the sculptures all have the same running time! I’m impressed.

  2. Thanks, Cam! The running time: Each of those sculptures was built completely separate from the other. I always have this idea in my head that “…it should run about…well, some number of seconds.” Somehow I have this ideal time in my head. I’ve never measured it. Apparently, I’m really good at doing that, because I did it three times in a row on totally different pieces! I found it out by accident when my niece was playing with two of them at once. Thanks for stopping by the blog!

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