Rush Job



Does anyone remember when I did Masterpiece in a Day last year? If not, well here’s the short version: I did it. If you do, then you’ll know a lot more. You have about six hours to create an entire piece of art from beginning to end. It’s an annual event. Here’s my buddy Darrell working on his sculpture. MiaD is so friggin’ cool that I’ll probably have to devote an entire blog entry to it. Oh, and I did manage to complete my piece this year! It was a day full of win.

3 thoughts on “Rush Job

  1. Wow, that was a year ago? I’m so glad you participated again and finished! And you eventually did finish your sculpture from last year, didn’t you? It was the rolling ball sculpture that Tina threw in some woodwork to make it extra fantabulous? What did you work on this year?

    I had to click on the picture of your friend to get a better view of it because at first glance it looked like his lower body was underground. I couldn’t see his legs! I thought, “Is he part of the sculpture? Is it called ‘Man sinks into ground as he races against clock to finish sculpture!'” Like sands in the hourglass. So are the something something…

  2. …Days of Our Lives.”

    People kept walking by and stopping to look at his sculpture. Lots of kids thought it looked like a helicopter when he got done. It sort of did, but I didn’t get a very decent finished photo of it. He used part of a streetlight, an old wire burning barrel, the steering column out of a pickup trucke, a bicycle wheel, the blades of a ceiling fan, and lots of wire – oh, there was a traffic cone involved and lots of little plastic eyes and black spray paint. Darrel is not afraid to experiment.

    I did finish last year’s, but it was a different one than the one Tina helped with. I’ll have to do a more full report on this day and put up links. I did another rolling ball sculpture this year. I guess I failed to mention that. Maybe I figured everyone would…remember from a year ago? Hah! I should edit for clarity. I was just happy to finish. More details to come in a future blog!

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