Rolling with steel

What?!?!?! Tom built an RBS? SHOCKER!

Yet another glimpse at my experience with steel fabrication sculpture at the Indianapolis Art Center. This is a kind of terrible photo, but I imagine you can get an idea of what’s going on here. I was in the process of building this RBS when we had to knock off for the end of the workshop. I busted butt and really did a fair job of getting through things. The parts that I completed actually function all the way to where the track ends, which I consider to be some kind of minor miracle.

I used a MIG welder on this mild steel piece. I was told to come back and now that I’m a member I can get studio time and complete it! Oh, and the red things on there are actually big magnets that are being used to hold things in position while I work. They don’t stay on there. Yet more detail on this to come. Stay tuned – it was SO COOL!

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