NaNoWriMo, Day Two

Today ends at 7,454 words. That’s well past the necessary 3,334 to keep on pace for a 30-day win, but I’m padding. There are going to be some days where I’m sure I’ll not get to write much. I have a sculpture commission that is due in mid-December, so I have to make sure that I am more than on track with NaNo. Today, in fact, I even started on the sculpture as a “break” from writing. The irony! I didn’t get much done on it, but it is a start, and that’s important. I also managed to squeeze in getting some laundry done and getting some shaving cream picked up at the store. These are the little things that suddenly seem monumental during NaNo. You go, “I’ll just go to the store – wait! That’s…that’s going to take 23 minutes out of my day! I could write 500 words in 23 minutes! I…I don’t know if I can make that sacrifice! Maybe I’ll just shave with bar soap tomorrow…”

Shaving will commence as normal tomorrow. And I’m not even close to feeling like I need to give up time for showering. Not yet, anyway.

Best of luck to all you fellow WriMos out there!

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