Holding It All Together

I just realized that no one’s asking, but I figured I’d put this up anyway. I’m not dead or even sick. I’ve not given up on anything. I’ve been taking photos every single day that I’ve not blogged. I’ve just been hella busy and not had time to put up any photos. In some cases I’ve not even been near a computer. The first time I was able to sit down and download everything going back to Thursday night was on Sunday night. Do you know how long it takes to download 919 pictures off of a Nikon using iPhoto and the sync chord? One hour and eight minutes. At the end of it, there wasn’t time to do anything else. Now I know why people have card readers. I also know why people buy spare batteries for their cameras, and why they have more than one memory card for same. Live and learn. This photo club is giving me experiences I’ve never had before.

So, tonight I hope to bring you some interesting pics from the past five days. I also hope to get the Chevelle running for its scheduled shoot Thursday night for the zombie movie “8 Wheels of Death.” I’m a little busy!

3 thoughts on “Holding It All Together

  1. For the record, I was actually wondering about you earlier today. Oddly enough, I was checking out the toad who lives beneath my garage when suddenly, I thought, “I wonder what Tom has been up to”. So there you go. I’m glad you are ok my friend. Now, go out there and create something.

  2. If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t know you weren’t blogging because I haven’t been able to get to the internet all week. If I had, I would have missed you.

  3. Heather,
    I’ve been nearly living in my garage, which is a little like living under it, I suppose. Maybe that’s why the toad reminded you of me – better than other alternatives that I can think of! Have you started taking pictures again? I was processing stuff last night and thought, “Heather should start taking pictures again.” Maybe?

    You’ve been without teh interwebz!?!?!? OMG!! Glad you’re back. That is a great dose of perspective for me, Melissa, and I appreciate it. Life hasn’t been miserable, just busy, and it’s been hard to keep up with everything, hard enough just to snap a shot of something on any given day. Let’s hope I don’t run into that problem any time again too soon. I’m glad you’re back!

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