Dedicated space 3

Ah, more work on the work space! Sweet! Now this picture may appear darker than the ones before it, but I want to point out that the light that is in the photo is coming from a different source this time: directly over the work bench! It took a lot more time and effort than I thought it should have (isn’t that always the case?), but the lighting is finally getting into shape. Rock on!


2 thoughts on “Dedicated space 3

  1. I like the title of the last three posts – dedicated work space. Your sculpting does, indeed, take the the deication of both time and space…is that a Led Zeppelin song? “I am a traveler of both time and space to be where I have been.” Oh! That’s “Kashmir!” Awesome!

    But I digress…that’s really cool, man! Lights and electricity and makeshift welding tables and everything! And fishing poles in the corner! Is that a fishing pole? Do I have that correctly? I didn’t know you fished. So, you could concevably weld some sushi.

  2. Dude, you are so weird, and thanks for being that.

    On the right? Fishing pole? Nope, that’s the water line with the ancient meter still attached to it. I was actually thinking about trying to get that meter removed. It’s in the way, and the one they check now is outside.

    Or do you mean the things to the left of the table? Those are pieces of scrap steel, parts of a driveshaft off a Dodge Dart, the front bumper off a ’67 Chevelle. You know, the usual.

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