Big Iron



Was up at my folks’ place on Saturday, and the locals have a tradition of driving their old and interesting vehicles down onto the town square around dinner time. We all piled into dad’s ’27 Ford and putted over there to join in the fun. As we were walking around, this older gentleman pulled up and proceeded to park a full-size vintage Brockway semi tractor parallel as if he were driving nothing bigger than a Honda, air brakes and all! It ruled. I had to shoot this thing. I’ve never seen a restored semi tractor, and this one was awesome. My favorite shot was just this grille emblem. I wish they still put as much panache into emblems as they did back during the golden years of the automobile.

4 thoughts on “Big Iron

  1. Hee! Some day before this year-long project is over there will be a pic with at least one of dad’s cars, and it may very like be Old Henry, the ’27 Tudor. It’s been in our family since before my parents married. The fam has many stories involving the T. We just got him running again a year ago, and dad’s been puttin’ the miles on!

  2. Yep, I was born into it, no possible way out.

    You want car pictures? I have more than most anyone would ever want to see. Since you ask for cool things (like krakens), I will do something about this. What kinds of cars would you like to see? Almost everything I shoot is from the 70s or earlier. A lot of it is street rods (50s and earlier) or muscle cars from the 60s and 70s, but I do shoot some older stuff that is dead stock and not messed with, like dad’s Model T.

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