The same, but different


Here is a view of the sculpture that I started in my steel fabrication workshop a few weeks ago. Yep, pretty much the same sort of stuff I’ve been doing on copper, but I’ve gone a couple sizes up in marble diameter, and it’s made out of steel. This thing is physically far larger than anything I’ve tried to do with copper, which is kind of fun and kind of ridiculous. I like it!

Rolling with steel

What?!?!?! Tom built an RBS? SHOCKER!

Yet another glimpse at my experience with steel fabrication sculpture at the Indianapolis Art Center. This is a kind of terrible photo, but I imagine you can get an idea of what’s going on here. I was in the process of building this RBS when we had to knock off for the end of the workshop. I busted butt and really did a fair job of getting through things. The parts that I completed actually function all the way to where the track ends, which I consider to be some kind of minor miracle.

I used a MIG welder on this mild steel piece. I was told to come back and now that I’m a member I can get studio time and complete it! Oh, and the red things on there are actually big magnets that are being used to hold things in position while I work. They don’t stay on there. Yet more detail on this to come. Stay tuned – it was SO COOL!


Fire! Mwuahahahahahaha!

This is from my steel sculpture workshop at the Indianapolis Art Center, the pic I figured you’d all want to see the most: sparks and flames! This is what everyone thinks of when they think of welding. It’s actually flamecutting very thick steel, not welding, but who’s to argue? It’s cool! This is not me here, this is Mike, but I got to partake, and I will freely admit, that it is exactly, 100%, absolutely and completely every damn bit as much fun as it looks!

The whole thing was superfab, so more on this later, more pics, more words, and more burnt stuff!