Loaners – PKD



My artist buddy Darrell is also a fan of Philip K. Dick, and the other night I got home to find a whole bag of these books sitting on my front porch, a gift of literary loan from the man. It’s awesome, but really makes me wonder just how on earth I’m going to get all this stuff read in addition to my other stuff that’s already crowding the house!

NaNoWriMo Day 24



I had to play a gig tonight, so I couldn’t participate in the write-in for this evening. That was lame, because it’s the one that I pretty much put together last year and re-organized this year. However, I was able to stop in and see all my friends before I hit the road to play. I was envious of them all sitting around the table working together. Writing is often such a solitary pursuit that it’s really nice when the opportunity arises to share the moment with a bunch of like-minded wackos, and these are some really cool wackos, I assure you.

NaNoWriMo Day 21



Saturdays our NaNo region schedules a write-in at a local coffee shop. It’s one of my favorite places to write. It’s kind of the big write-in of the week during NaNo, and a lot of people make the effort to get out and say hello and pound/scribble out a few words there. We had a good turnout, and I made some awesome progress with something like an eight thousand word jump that day.