Just a quick update and a few chords

I have started reading from the site “The Art of Nonconformity,” written by Chris Guillebeau. It’s giving me lots of exhilirating and terrifying thoughts and feelings. Chris is all about the “can.” I so dig that, man, and it’s scary to think that whatever you dream of doing you can accomplish if you put your mind to it. At least it’s scary for me, because I have some big dreams, and they may very well require me to make some big changes in my life and do some things that are not exactly the most comfortable for me. More on this later.

As a quick note (for realz, yo!), two days ago on 4/6/11 I played eight chords on the guitar without looking at any sort of tablature while doing so. I also was able to identify each chord in my head as I played it, so I know how to play them and what they are as well. This is good stuff. I’ll doubtless be as good as Steve Vai within a week, for sure.

Actually, while there is some question as to the attainment of my Vai/Hendrix/Vaughan/insert-name-of-your-insanely-good-guitar-hero-here status, I can say that it is a leap for me. It proves I CAN learn to play some guitar if I put my mind to it, which is something I used to flat out deny when I was in college, and something that I questioned for many years following college. Seems I was wrong about me. How about that? Maybe there are some other things in life I thought I couldn’t do about which I may have been wrong. Just what in the heck might possibly happen if I stop believing that I’m incapable of things?

What would happen to you if you stopped thinking you were incapable of things? Career change? Taking up pottery? Learning to dance? Forming a great relationship with someone special? Getting out of debt? Running a marathon?

Feel free to list some positive thoughts on achievement in the comments section. I’d love to hear from you.

I made another thing

Man, since January I’ve not posted? Wow. I guess I’ve had a lot of other things going on, many of them either not blog-worthy, or things I just can’t share (but hope to before long).

At any rate, I can share this sculpture piece. I completed it a little while back, but I’ve had to do some vetting of photos on Flickr, because I’m nearing my limit for the free account, and I’m having a hard time justifying spending cash on the paid account. Sure wish I could find some money lying around. Oh, I did try the lottery twice in desperation, probably around January, but the winds did not blow in my favor, so I just picked up additional work. More on the additional work in a moment.




Nifty, huh? I kind of love it, although it was a ridiculous pain to build. It fought me at several points. There were odd little things to square away to keep marbles from rolling all over the floor, and then I went and got really crazy and built that seemingly simply brass piece at the end. I was under a tight deadline, and the “steps” seemed like such a simple idea. It was brilliant!

Brilliant, yes. Simple, no. I figured it would take me, well, I don’t know how long, but not long. Maybe I was thinking an hour or two. I believe it was closer to six or eight, and with the schedule I was on at the time, that was like adding another week to it. It did underscore my need for some metal-bending tools, like a brake or a small press. With a press and an appropriate die I would have had that thing made in half the time.

However, it all turned out very nicely. The steps are of brass, and since they are suspended rather freely on the copper they have a fair bit of ring to them when hit by the marbles. It’s a nice affect, and precisely what I was going after.

I did learn a lesson from this, and that was on the practical side of time investment and pricing. I think I priced this appropriately at the time I was commissioned for it, but in the future my prices will have to change. I simply cannot produce work like this in a short time span. I tracked the hours on this one, and it overshot my estimate by fifty to seventy-five percent.

I am quite pleased with this one, though, and with all the help I received on it in various forms from other people. It sapped a lot of my time at some rather crucial points, and the understanding I received at those times was pretty wonderful.

Influences and Inspirations



Following up the steam engine (train wreck?) that is my interest in automotive art, I picked up a bunch of magazines and books with different images that seemed like they might provide some push and fire to the whole shebang. Juxtapoz magazine does “low brow” art – weird stuff that’s cool and different and likely isn’t going to show up in any kind of fine art gallery or event anytime soon. The top and middle images are from that mag. The bottom one I got kind of on a whim, and it’s pretty awesome. It’s a custom car magazine from Japan. It’s written in both Japanese and English, and I have to say that those guys have built some pretty impressive machines over there, especially considering the fact that they can’t just drive down to some junkyard and pick this stuff up locally.


I’m a little chagrined here, a little excited, a bit enthused, and rather admiring. It is my wont to occasionally peruse that veritable cornucopia of visual medium known as Youtube. There’s TOOOOONS of absolute crap on it, but there is also an amazing amount of truly wonderful material out there to inspire, assist, and educate. Today, while trying to re-find a video on a giant rolling ball sculpture that a college student built for his thesis in engineering or physics or something (it uses bowling balls that reach speeds of 80mph – sweet!) I came across a video I’ve never seen before.

Behold, awesome readers, a copper rolling ball sculpture that aspires to art as much as movement:

View, view, view, and view. I can’t get enough of this thing! I mean, just, like, just check out…LOOK! The frame, it’s not just eight pieces of water pipe soldered together to make a box. Those curves, so swooping and graceful, and notice that where they dip they become contact points for the supports that hold up the track – gorgeous and effective. Two points! The solder joints are all very well done, and the spacers for the track are shaped into rings rather than simple flat bars. Note that other support legs are formed into curved pieces as well, and small termination points are shaped into curls. All these elements add to the whole of the sculpture. It’s very harmonious, no?

And look at the use of open space. The marbles seem to zip and float across the curved track in the center, then gracefully move through the spiral, exiting at the bottom without a bump. The visual grace is fantastic. I admire how he has taken car to not use too many support rods. It has a very clean feeling to it. I wish I could see it up close without the shadows in the background to distract from the effect. It’s really great stuff.

In addition, the lift wheel is beautiful. I’m trying to figure out what it’s made of, as I believe a solid copper piece of that size would price in at an extremely health chunk of change (brass wheels of three inches in diameter are 80 bucks, for what that’s worth, and all metals have sharply increased in price in the past year). The fit and finish on everything is of very high quality.

I post all this, partly in reference to some comments made by Matthew Gaulden about some characteristics of my own work. I must enjoy the curving lines, as I was immediately drawn to this when it came up on my screen. I also post it as a point of interest, to give you an idea of just what inspires me when I do my own work. You and I are learning this stuff together, as I’m very early in the process, and there will be many discoveries as to what makes me go, “Oh, yeah! I wanna do THAT!” Right now, this is the sort of thing I want to do. I’m finishing a smaller work right now, but the long, uninterrupted lengths of smooth track on this piece are really, really getting me going. I wouldn’t be surprised if something like that doesn’t show up in one of my future works. This is finely crafted stuff. I wish the guy lived in the U.S. I’d love to meet him some time.

This weekend I have some free time. Hopefully, that means there will be more accomplishment news come Monday. See you then.

Great Cut Out ’08 – Setting 61 Heads On Fire

First off, it’s Sunday just before 1pm, and I’m amazed that I can turn and look out the window into the front yard and all 61 of those dudes are STILL sitting on my lawn. I live in a great neighborhood. There have been at least a couple of parties on my block this weekend with various drunken zombies (and slutty policewomen and Little Red Riding Hoods) running around, and yet my little orange lawn ornaments remain untouched. Pretty cool.

I’ll see if I can’t keep this short. We’re here for the pictures, aren’t we? I got home Friday from work and immediately…took a short nap. I was exhausted from staying up late and carving the last three pumpkins the night before, plus cutting some wood for the display.

My friend Cat was up from Terre Haute on business, and she stopped in just moments after I woke up from my nap and we set about getting things in order. It took a while, because it’s pretty hard to pick up and carry more than one jack o’ lantern at a time, so we each made about fifteen trips off the porch to the front yard. We got them all set up, and then the little neighbor kids came by for candy, and the littlest ones (maybe three years old) started teetering and tottering between all of them picking off the lids when they saw Cat doing it. “I help!” one little boy kept saying. It was cute as all get-out, but I was really worried he was going to fall headfirst into a row of six or eight of them. His dad rescued him and the gourds before damage was done.

After about an hour we had them all set up and the candles were installed. Here’s a little tip for those of you contemplating such an undertaking: get some of those long-nosed butane lighters. Funks was a genius and a life-saver last year when he showed up with two that he’d purchased just because, well, I guess he thinks a lot further ahead than I do. Those things saved us probably twenty minutes of matches, burned fingers, and lots of cussing.

Finally, all 61 were lit, and we got the lids put back on, stepped back, and, well, I’ll let the pics tell the rest of the story. (all clickable)

61 Jack O\' Lanterns!

A blaze of Halloween glory!

This one is leering. Always good to have some leering on Halloween.

My friend Tina did the one on the left, and Meg did the one on the right.

This is one of mine. I’m a fan of big eyes and large mouths. They show up really well in the dark.

I did this one, but I got very good advice from a couple of people on the teeth. I was going to carve them in reverse of how I did it here, but it looks much better this way. Thanks, guys!

This looks like an Ed Roth cartoon to me.

Tim P. did this one. It got a lot of compliments. Andrew told me that in the middle of this one there was an, “Oh no. I don’t know if I can pull this off” moment. Obviously he overcame his obstacles.

Joe’s wife Kathy did this one. She was the first person to ask for toothpicks. The detail was awesome.

Me without coffee.

Great capturing of expression here.

One of Tim P’s specialties is the winking eye. It’s becoming his trademark.

I absolutely love the eyes on this one. I never would have conceived this design myself. My buddy Squee is responsible here.

Jem, my truly outrageous friend did this one. Much detail. Excellent curves on the eyes and eyebrows.

Squee did the one on the left with the three eyes. I once again envy her eyeball majesty. I don’t recall who did the one on the right, but it was really friggin’ creepy once it was lit.

Me with all my kids. Woohoo! Pulled it off again this year!

The morning after. You can get a good look at the finished project, and see some that I didn’t get shots of, or shot too poorly to post. Folks really were outstanding with their contributions of time and money (I didn’t pay for all these myself). Mom and pop were great for getting the pumpkins for me. My friends were wonderful for all their creative ideas, for putting time into it, for being enthusiastic, for being positive and having a good time, for helping me clean up(!!!!!), for showing up multiple times (especially if I goofed and misinformed them of the schedule of events somehow), and for just being the cool people they are.

Thanks again to all of you who participated! You contributed to an outstanding and fulfilling piece of fun and creativity. I do hope you will all return armed and ready next year. I think we’re gonna do ninety, so I’ll need the help!

The Great Cut Out ’08!

It’s the second year running.  Last year it was thirty.  This year it’s (almost) sixty.  Six.  Zero.  There will be sixty jack o’ lanterns on my front lawn this Hallow’s Eve.  How has this come about?  Glad you asked, as have many other people.

A few years ago I got some not-quite-random email from the good folks at my Kodak photo site.  It was just one of those festive things detailing photo ideas for the coming season, but the lead photo in the email was composed of about six jack o’ lanterns gleaming, grinning, and snarling in the darkness.  I don’t remember anything else about the message, but the image stuck in my head.  “That’s pretty sweet, man.  I want to do something like that.”

A year or so passed.  I think that year I did do four pumpkins, just because I thought it would be fun.  The next year I slacked off and did only two.  It was fun, but I really liked having more.  A lot more.

The next year rolled around, and I started talking about this idea.  “I should have a bunch of pumpkins, a bunch of jack o’ lanterns this year,” I told a friend.
“That’s cool.  You mean, like, five or six?”
“No, like…twenty.”
“Twenty?!  How are you going to carve all those!”
“I don’t know, but it would be cool, right?”
“Yeah, it would be really cool.”

Having thusly convinced myself of the coolness of my idea, I formed a plan: get lots of pumpkins.  It was a loose plan, I’ll give you that, but it was a plan just the same.  Eventually I fleshed it out some more, found a place that would give me a deal on thirty (somehow the number went higher – go figure), and had a bunch of people come over and carve, and carve, and carve.  It was a big success, and before I’d even lit candle one I had people encouraging me to do it again next year with even more.  After looking at the resulting photos, I couldn’t argue.  Thirty was superfab, but by taking two photos and placing one above the other, it was easy to see that sixty, or even ninety(!) would be better.

Having the wrath of gourd instilled in me from the previous year’s efforts, I decided that I’d “take it slow” this year and only double the amount.  (This is taking it slow?  Honestly?  Um, okay.)  So it was that I arranged, with the wonderful cooperation of my loving and helpful parents, to have them pick up sixty orange victims from the patch nearby their home.

They purchased them on Friday the 16th, and mom brought them down the next day in dad’s pickup.  Behold the orangey goodness:

Mom gives ’em a good scrub as we unload them.

Here they are all unloaded on my front porch, patiently awaiting their fate.  Holy crap that’s a lot of pumpkins!  Can I really pull this off??  (Yep, there are actually 61.  They threw in an extra in case one was bad in the batch.)

On Saturday folks began arriving sometime around 1pm.  My folks went straight to work (well, my mom actually made mulled cider and dusted things and cleaned up first.  She was great!)

Here is some of my faithful crew from last year, back at it just as enthusiastically this year.

Time was taken out from the busy schedule to make sure my nephew received some tickling by grandpa.

At the end of the day on Sunday, despite the efforts of my wonderful friends, I still had 26 pumpkins left!  I did four of them myself Monday, then rallied on Tuesday morning and sent out the emails: Please come for carving tonight!  It worked.  I have such great friends!  Andrew even returned from his stint on Saturday for a rematch with the gourds.

Goo, carving, markers, cutters, Coke.  I did supply bubbly caffeine.  Surprisingly, most people seemed to run on pure creative energy.

All Hallow’s Eve eve, and look what we have…three in the left front corner not carved even after the flurry of activity Tuesday night!  Where’s my marker!  My cutter, posthaste!

10/30/08 11:00pm  Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a go.  Sixty (okay, sixty-one) pumpkins carved!

Tonight is gonna be sweet!

Artist Date #7: Children’s Museum – Art Glass, Rhoads Sculpture, Comics

I’ve had my mind on the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis for quite some time.  They have a rolling ball sculpture there that was the genesis for all my sculpture madness at present, plus they have an exhibit on vintage comic books.  One or the other alone would have gotten me out of the house, but with both it was a sure thing that somewhere in this twelve weeks that is The Artist’s Way I would have found a way to make it there for an Artist Date.

When you first step into the main part of the Children’s Museum, you come face to face with this enormous art glass sculpture.  At 43 feet, the sheer size of it is impressive.  It’s the largest permanent installation of blown glass anywhere.  My friend works at the museum, and I joked with her once about how they clean the thing.  She replied rather seriously, “Oh, they have a crew that comes in and does it regularly.”

It weighs 18,000 pounds, and took over 14 days to install 4,800 pieces of glass to build it.  You can get some idea of the intricacy of the whole thing with this closeup.  An assembly photo at the site showed the blown glass pieces being slide onto metal stakes that protruded from a central metal column.  The scope of this project is astounding – makes me want to try something!  (Um, like maybe carving sixty pumpkins for Halloween?)

I’ve mentioned this in previous blogs, but my current (and quite possibly eternal) fascination with rolling ball sculpture was sparked by a trip I made to the Children’s Museum about five or so years ago.  I went with my nieces and their mom, my older sister.  It was really just a trip to have fun.  I didn’t have anything in mind, except I always personally liked the science exhibit.  My niece Abby was extremely excited that “We’re gonna make a boat!”  The boat turned out to be a few pieces of that styrofoam like they use for meat packing trays, and we taped it together with some straws.  I admire the mind of a child for thrilling in such simple pleasures.  Honestly, she made it seemed like we were about to construct a battle cruiser with working weaponry and a functional engine room. 

When we entered the area of battleship/foam raft construction my eyes came upon one of the most fantastic things I’d ever seen in my entire life:

The George Rhoads rolling ball sculpture, Science in Motion.  Incidentally, you won’t find any of that information readily available anywhere near the exhibit itself.  There is this:

But you have to look for that to find it.  I didn’t even notice it, and the sign next to the exhibit says that it’s a “Rube Goldberg ball machine” or something like that, and that it’s in operation thanks to…individuals or some company which escapes me.  I was actually bummed that it didn’t mention George or any of his other work.  That befuddles me somewhat.  He’s a pretty well-known kinetic sculptor.  (I found out what I know about it by doing multiple internet searches, and finally exchanging emails with one of Rhoads’ staff members.)

Be that as it may, at the time I wasn’t concerned quite so much with its origin.  I was more amazed that such a thing actually existed.  I hadn’t seen anything like it in recent memory, and it just reached out and grabbed 100% of my attention.  There was so much to it that appealed to me: 

1. Its inherent sense of fun and playfulness.  It said, “Behold!  I am a machine upon which much time was spent in construction so that I may perform the extremely important task of…being entertaining!  Woohoo, I am a machine for fun!  Watch me!  Play with me!”  Children need no encouragement whatsoever to grab and twist the knob that imparts action onto the long, pale blue screw lift for this portion of the sculpture.

2. The fact that such great care and attention to detail went into it.  Bending the wire alone had to have taken much patience and forethought.  Add to that the fact that certain moving elements of the sculpture required their own specific exacting calculations.  In the picture above, for instance, you can see a green wire basket to the left.  Notice the ball falling into it?  Notice also that there is a metal pad at the lower middle of the frame.  The ball has just finished leaving the track, bounced (with a fabulous *gong!* I might add) off of that square purple pad, and landed perfectly inside the wire basket.  Who spent time figuring all that out?!?!  To catch a moving ball?!  Brilliant!

3. The creativity.  Look below at the number of different elements the sculpture employs.  This sculpture is not just about balls rolling here and there on some fancifully bent rails.  Numerous different devices were created to manipulate the billiards in interesting ways.

A. Bell-ringing tipper arm: At the back of the sculpture you see the yellow bell.  Swinging away from it is a mallet on an arm, and at the top of the mallet arm we see that there is a billiard being carried from an upper track to a lower track by the arm.  Once it reaches the lower track it will fall free, the arm will swing back, and the bell will be rung.  A serious bell-ringing apparatus!

B. Ball-collecting tipping arm: As the billiards come in on the track at the upper left they fill a catchrail that is balanced so that it points upward on its fulcrum.  Once enough balls collect on the catchrail, however, the arm tips downward, emptying all five balls at once onto a lower track.  The result is a delightful train effect of balls chasing each other down the track.

C. Corkscrew: The balls chase each other from the catchrail and race down this corkscrew in a visual and auditory flurry.  Colors and noise!  Bring it!

D1. Music and Motion, Chimes: Here a set of flat, tuned metal chimes are suspended so that they form the base of the track for the balls.  If you look toward the right you can make out the blurred ball racing over them, and you’ll notice the chimes are hanging at angles as they are rung during its passage over them.

D2. Music and Motion, Wood Blocks: Here you can just make out a white billiard tripping the first of three forks that protrude up between the track rails into the path of the ball.  As a fork is pushed down, the sounding arm rocks back, after which it most naturally swings back and gives the wood block a satisfying little *thock*!  The mallet heads on the end of the sound arm?  Golf balls.  I love the use of so many different objects!

E. Interacivity: In both photos above you can see how portions of the sculpture can be manipulated by viewers.  In the first one a girl raises a ball that is caged in a chute of stout metal bars.  The billiards collect at the bottom, and they will not continue along that portion of the sculpture unless they are moved by hand.  Children have a great time lifting them to the next level and sending them on their way.

In the second photo there is a tilting green lift that is operated by a knob turned by hand.  As shown here the knob is being turned by a young boy and the lift has reached its full height and is realeasing a ball onto the track above it.

F. Displayed laws of physics: Newton’s law of motion is shown here.  Three balls remain at rest on this particular dip in the track.  When a new ball comes along at the left it smacks the other three, and the one to the right takes off, sending another ball along, but always leaving three behind.

F2. Motion and rest: This one is a harder to see, but in the rectangle there are no downward angles.  All rolling surfaces are tracks, though the corners have angled pieces to encourage a rolling ball to continue its journey.  The balls enter at the top and are forced to go either right or left by a wedge placed below the point of entry, and they zig-zag their way from the end to the middle where they drop down to the next level.  They don’t have a lot of momentum, so sometimes they end up coming to rest as you see two of them doing in the lower right corner.  Eventually one ball will come along that will have enough juice that it will smack a few around and send them down.  It’s a little unnerving to watch, because you want them all to go RIGHT NOW!  Doesn’t work that way, I’m afraid.  It’s a bit of lazy motion on this one, and patience is required.

G. Active track splitters: There are a number of active splitters on the track, and this pendulum is a very simple one.  One moving part.  Balls come along often enough that they keep the pendulum swinging.  It has a post at its top center point, seen just to the left of the arriving ball in this photo.  This ball will be prevented from rolling to the left by the post, and when the pendulum swings back it will tilt over and roll the ball to the left.

H. Track splitters without moving parts: How can you possibly make a ball choose a right or left course without using some machinery to guide it?  When the balls fall from the upper track, they aren’t forced to go one way or another.  The landing area is basically flat.  When the balls fall down they run into each other and are forced to go one direction or the other without employing any outside forces to direct them along a certain path.  Here you can see the striped ball is being forced off to the right by the presence of the green one already sitting below it.  I like this trick in particular, as it induces an action without adding any more machinery to the sculpture itself, simplicity of design in action.

I. Automation: I’m a gearhead for certain.  Nothing like having a little electrical motor powering up a chain lift!  The sculpture contains two separate runs, each with multiple tracks.  This run is completely motor-driven, so it will continue with its operation even if no one is around.  Its motion attracts people who can then activate the hand-powered run.

J. Track Variety: Not all of the track is made up of steel rail.  This portion incorporates pieces of metal U-channel down which the ball drops.  Not only is it fun to watch it change direction at sharp angles, there’s also plenty of thunking going on as it drops from one section to the next.

Here is a final end view of the sculpture.  It’s fully encased by plexiglass, which is a good thing, because kids pretty much just want to bang on it when they see it, which you gotta take as a good sign.  If they gave it the once over and walked away?  Not so good.  It’s nice to see people want to be a part of what they are seeing, even if it’s along the lines of “Hey!  Move!  Go!”  There was plenty of laughing, giggling, ogling and grabbing going on at the Rhoads sculpture. 

I just basically stared at it for over an hour.  I’m very grateful that such a source of inspiration is so readily available to me.  Even though some of the mystery was gone compared to the first time I saw it (now I know how some of the designs are accomplished), that doesn’t mean I enjoyed it any less.  I took away another completely new set of experiences that will surely provide inspiration and motivation for my future sculpting efforts.  I so can’t wait to get another one completed!

There was still some time left before the museum closed, so I headed over to the comics exhibit.  Along the way I swung by the merry-go-round and snapped some pics using a slow shutter speed.

I used to love to ride on this thing when I was a kid.  It used to be outside at a park that is not far from my house.  For many years there was a ring of concrete still in place at the park marking where it had been years ago.  I’m amazed that it survived and could be restored years later.  It makes me a little wistful for times past.  My dad has told me on a number of occasions about various amusment parks that used to be around the city.  We had roller coasters, boat rides, carousels.  He even has a few old photographs of some of the rides before they were torn down.  Kind of sad that we don’t have them anymore.  My city has obviously gone through many changes in its lifetime.

I had to stop off at the comics exhibit, seeing as how I spent a short period of time collecting them in grade school.  I was an X-Men fan, but you cannot deny the allure of a superhero of any stripe.  Since I’ve started fooling around with drawing again, I’m also interested in the art aspect of things.

Batman’s Batmobile has changed markedly over the years.  Personally, I’ve always been fond of the original, seeing as how it was a Barris custom creating, and I believe morphed from what was originally a Ford Thunderbird.  If memory serves, it was put on the dragstrip once, and it had so much metal in it from the customizing procedures, it managed a rather miserable elapsed time.  Guess that’s why the rocket was added in back.  My favorite feature on this latest edition is the set of Hoosier front tires.  That’s right, the Caped Crusader rides on tires straight outta the Heartland.

It’s the real cape!  The real one from the TV show!!!  Sweet!  If I put this thing on, I’d have to try and scale a wall or right some sort of wrongdoing.  Maybe I’d just hang out in the Batcave and let the Boy Wonder handle the tough stuff.

Unforunately, I arrived late, and they were shutting off the light tables for the Draw a Superhero activity.  No way!  I wanted to draw!  Oh well, maybe next time. 

The Artist’s Way talks about the need to “refill the well” of creativity by experiencing new things to spark your imagination.  Thanks to this trip, I certainly have a store of things to draw from the next time I sit down to create.

Masterpeace in a Day

I’m sorry I’ve not blogged about this earlier, but it’s been difficult to get back to the computer this week, partly because I’m not allowed to read anything this week, as mentioned earlier. I don’t want to let this news sit and get cold, though, so I’m getting it out there this evening, even if I can’t re-read what I wrote!

Masterpiece in a Day was an excellent experience, though not for the reasons you, or I, might have expected. The day was set to be a challenge right from the start, as I’d been up playing with the band late the night before, and while the event rules on the web site stipulated work hours between 9am and 3:30pm, I was not able to arrive until about 10:30 that morning. I felt fortunate to have my brother attending the event, as he was a veteran. He had some been-there-done-that advice for me, plus the fact that I had a bunch of crap to unload from my van, and his location made for a convenient dumping ground. Thanks, Ben!

When I arrived at my brother and his friend’s site, I was met with this:

Ben had laughingly told me before that they were going for the largest work, if not the best. To that end, they’d spent over 200 bucks on several sets of canvas totalling a 6-foot by 20-foot area. That’s right: twenty feet long! I told folks later that they had “about thirty cans of paint laying around,” figuring I was overestimating. I was not. They had a lot of space to cover!

Here Ryan applies some blue to the lettering for the graffiti words. He was nice enough to help me move some of my crap over near a wall outlet. I’d hoped to set up near them, but I needed power, so I ended up around the corner.

Here I gamely try to whip some wire into a reasonable facsimile of artistic expression. I had people stopping by pretty often to ask, “What are you making?” I told them it was a little rolling marble sculpture, or a kinetic sculpture, or a number of other variations. The guy who took this picture for me, Todd, was particularly interested in my work, him being a sculptor of found metal objects. His full name is Todd Bracik, and you can find his work here.

This photo could have been taken either hours or minutes later. I think my workspace looked like this for 80% of the time I sat there. One young boy of about twelve kept walking by and offering me encouraging words. Around this point he passed again, and I said, “It doesn’t look like I’ve done much, does it?” and he said very matter-of-factly, “Oh well – good art takes time!” and walked off. Thanks for the boost, kid!

I seriously spent forever making that spiral you see me holding. For. Ev. Er. I had no idea so much time had passed, when some guy came by and asked what I was doing. He said, “You better hurry! You only have forty minutes!” I looked at my watch after he left. What was he talking about? It wasn’t even 2:30 yet. I had over an hour!

After a while a string of folks began going by me to the registration/turn-in table set up nearby. “I guess people are getting their stuff done a little early,” I thought nervously. I kept working. I wasn’t anywhere near done, but I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t expect to win, but I really had wanted to finish the piece in the allotted time.

My brother walked by carrying one of the panels for his canvas. “You better hurry!” he smiled.

What the hell? Maybe I had really better get a move on. Better to finish with some time to spare. It suddenly hit me how I could tie up the whole thing in about twenty minutes. It wouldn’t be what I’d wanted, but I would be able to finish!

Now, about this entry form…I picked it up and read: All artwork is to be turned in by 3pm. I looked at my watch. 3:05pm.

I sat there and stared at the paper. I didn’t know what to do. I had read the web site the night before, and it definitely said 3:30pm, yet I’d not read the registration form the whole time I’d had it. I was crushed. I felt defeated. I was suddenly very angry with myself for even showing up. Why had I bothered? I mean, sure I didn’t think I’d win, but I could have finished at least! I hadn’t even bothered to read the rules! How stupid was I?!

A woman came by with her little girl. She asked if I’d done a sculpture inside. I shook my head. She asked if I was going to turn in what I had. I said quietly, “I didn’t finish.” She left with her daughter.

I wanted to throw everything in my box and leave. Now. I didn’t want to be there anymore. I felt like I’d wasted my time, expected too much from myself. All these other people had finished and I had not. The one thing I’d wanted to do, finish, and I couldn’t even do that. What an idiot!

I sat there and thought about what I could do. I could leave. I could go get my car and just leave, but my brother was there. He had artwork that he’d completed, and I wanted to see the finished product. As bad as I felt, I was more certain that I wanted to see what he’d done. For that matter, I was certain I wanted to see what other people had done. My purpose was bigger than simply completing my sculpture. Even as angry as I was that thought got through. I came to have a good time, and leaving angry was not going to accomplish that. It was going to make it worse.

I got hold of Ben on cell and he watched my stuff while I got my van. I threw all of my crap in there, still rather angry, but maybe not quite so much. I asked him about his piece. He said, “It takes up one whole wall in there!” Better.

I parked again, and went back to look at the artwork. I wish I had some photos for you, but they chased me out while they were doing judging. It’s too bad, because I saw the most detailed Etch-A-Sketch I’ve ever seen in my life. There were sculptures, at least one video piece, paintings, pencil sketches, mixed media wall art. All these people had shown up that morning and just created these things on the spot. Before we all arrived that morning none of it had existed, and now it lined the walls and covered the floors of two different rooms.

I split for pizza afterward while Ben and Ryan cleaned up. We got separated for a while, and I didn’t see him the rest of the time I was there. As I was leaving after the award ceremony (Ben and Ryan, unfortunately, did not take home an award, but were odds-on favorites for the “Most Obnoxious,” apparently!), I phoned Ben. I still had all those thoughts in my head about not finishing. I hadn’t forgotten any of that, not that quickly, anyway. Still, when he answered the phone I said, “Hey, man, I just wanted to say thanks for letting me know about all this. It was awesome, and I had an excellent time.”

I’m still surprised I said that. When I was younger, and even up until just a few years ago, I would have gone with my first inclination. I would have left and written the whole thing off as a miserable failure, and maybe never tried it ever again. Apparently, I can have a pretty excellent time even if I don’t meet every expectation I have for myself.  Achieving that sort of peace with my own abilities and expectations is worth more than anything I can imagine, and I’ll be calling on this experience when similar challenges will surely present themselves, likely at next year’s Masterpiece in a Day. See you there.

Pre-Masterpiece jitters

As I’ve mentioned before, I plan to take part in Masterpiece in a Day, an all-day event hosted by the Big Car Gallery here in my fair city.  It takes place in the Fountain Square area of town, and apparently kind of takes over the area, as my brother described it as being a bit like “a low-buck Burning Man.”  You basically have from about 9am until 4:30pm or so to complete an entire work of art, starting from scratch.  Pretty neat, huh?  Opportunities for all kinds of wackiness abound, I’m sure.

Upon hearing about this from my brother, I immediately wanted to take part.  Said brother is doing a 20-foot canvassed graffiti art project.  I’ll be doing a rolling ball sculpture.  Now, this all sounded awesome and oh-wow-that-is-so-cool-and-what-an-opportunity(!!!!) the day I heard it.

Now I’m vaguely freaking out.

The day I learned of it I imagined me sitting at my rickety card table with a propane torch, bending up a bunch of wire and just having a ball making whatever the heck I wanted and enjoying the outcome for what it was.  However, Other Me, Perfectionist Me has shown up to try and rain on the parade.  Perfectionist Me is saying that it’s “just not going to turn out right, your design will suck, you didn’t plan well enough, you don’t have enough experience to turn out something superfab in just a few hours, blah, blah, blah…”

Perfectionist Me sucks.  I don’t really like to invite him along to stuff, but he shows up, like the friend at a party who can never seem to keep from drinking just a little too much at the end of the night and starts making off-color jokes or unwanted advances toward the womenfolk.  However, since Perfectionist Me is what you might call family, he kind of has to come along wherever I go.  It’s my job to keep him in check so that he doesn’t break stuff, make a jack of himself, and kind of hose the whole party.

In order to kind of take care of all those unhelpful ramblings that have been cropping up in my head, I hereby restate my initial purpose in this event.  It was NOT to create HOLYCOWINCREDIBLE work of art that was going to impress everyone in Marion county, plus those living in Allen and Howard counties.  It was not to put myself in the blast furnace and sweat out something “perfect.”  It was not to win an award.  Here was and is the purpose: to get involved with a fun public event that encourages the arts, have a good time creating a finished piece of art, and to enjoy and accept the results for what they are.

That’s it kids, and I’m sticking to it.  I’m going to pack up all my supplies as well as my original statement, and look forward to a day among creators, probably sipping a Diet Mountain Dew, bending wire, and making something fun and cool.