Why, yes, I did stand in front of a nine-foot-long sparkly guitar all night long on New Year’s Eve, why do you ask?
Category Archives: Photography
My loot!
My take for the holiday season. I know what you’re saying. You’re saying, “Tom, you’ve shown us numerous pictures in the past of various automotive tomes. It’s apparent you have a sizable collection. Don’t you have enough already?” And to that I say, “No! Woohoooooo!”
Looking up
It’s a hit!!!
THIS is what I was going for! Worth the effort!
Chicken Nuggets
This scene is part of an extended song/beat poem/performance art piece known simply as “Chicken Nugget.” I wish I had the audio to go with it!
The Bare Necessities
Lightning McQueen backpack? Check.
Lightning McQueen slippers? Check.
Lightning McQueen cars? Check.
Okay, mom, I’m ready for the sleepover!
Wahoo! Presents!
Remember what that was like when you got that present you just HAD to have? This year it looks like that present was Legos.
Apparently the holidays are getting me quite wrapped up in other things. No pic today. *sigh*