


Soooo many fun pictures from today! This was the last big shoot for “8 Wheels of Death.” This was the shoot where I was performing all of my lines. Big fun, and we were attacked many times by numerous bloody not-dead people. It was huge B-grade fantasticness: corn syrup, rubber limbs, cauliflower (ugh that stunk!), and a pink Hello Kitty Super Soaker full of 5-year-old Pabst Blue Ribbon. YES! Can’t wait to see what it looks like all put together!

I can’t put all of that up, however, as my rule is one picture, kind of forcing me to learn how to edit things down and figure out what to keep and what to get rid of. Here’s one I particularly like. We were rehearsing a shot where Baldy was getting his head stomped into mush by the sheriff. Nice makeup, right? There was a throwdown right before this where the sheriff gave him a fun little flip onto the floor.

Oh, crap! I forgot! There’s a teaser trailer that they just released on this! Ahhh! I’ve been meaning to put it up here for days now, and it totally slipped my mind! The teaser was done right after the car shoot, so none of the stuff from today went into it, but there’s some cool roller girl action, and the car makes an appearance or three (you can see the inside of it when Lola attacks Chad, plus the dash when the dice are swinging from the rear view mirror). So here’s the teaser for you as well:

3 thoughts on “Zombieeeeees!

  1. It was a really good time. I just wish I’d had some more practice. I would totally do it again if I was given the opportunity. And, yes, the song is cool. I don’t know who wrote it, but I wish it had been me. I’d like to throw something on CD and send it to them and say, “Yanno, if you need it, here’s some music for the movie.”

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