Vintage R90S for sale!


As the song says, “The time have come.” (It’s an old blues song, don’t worry if you’ve not heard it.)

I’ve had this bike for several years now. It has brought me untold amounts of joy, not the least of which was riding it from Indiana to Utah, racing it at the Bonneville Salt Flats, and then riding it all the way back home (but that’s the subject of another blog). The economy isn’t being too kind to anyone these days, and I have bills to pay. That, and, sadly, I’ve just not had time to spend with the bike as I’d like to. It’s been sitting a lot more than being ridden, and that’s not right. It’s not good for a machine to sit, and someone needs to be out on this thing enjoying it for the thrilling motoring experience that it is.

I tried some other venues for advertising, but it hasn’t sold yet. I hate to put it on eBay, but it’s looking like that’s where it’s going. I just want it to find a good home. If you know of anyone who would be interested, please contact me through the link to my email address over there on the sidebar.

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