


Tuesday night, and it’s time for Jem and I to draw! These sessions are becoming something that I really look forward to, and I can’t even explain exactly why that is. Part of it is simply the activity itself. I like drawing these sorts of things, free form designs. Part of it is that I like the way Jem does stuff. She uses tons and tons of color, bright stuff, and that’s pretty much why I started doing these things in the first place. Her designs and the tones she uses in them are very positive.

I’ve also noticed that when we do this I seem to lose track of time. Jem has said the same thing. If anything is going wrong or bothering me, I completely forget about it for two or three or four hours. I can get lost in what we’re doing, which is pretty awesome.

I think, too, that I like the social aspect of it. When I do the sculpture stuff I do it on my own. There’s a lot of just me sitting there in the basement looking at something. It’s very gratifying, and I love the results, but it’s really nice to have someone sitting there going, “Oh, crap…that was the wrong color,” or “Hey…that looks better than I thought it would!”

Tonight we ended like this, with all of the drawing done, and just a bit of the coloring started. See how clever we were? We cut the paper at an angle. Craziness! The idea is that this will be a paired work with both triangles mounted in the same frame. Kind of a different way of doing things, makes you think differently. I was working on the blue part, and it took forever for me to do just that little bit. It turned out okay, though. Slow, but good. Can’t wait to make more progress!

4 thoughts on “Triangles

  1. For years I worked in a toy store, and we had this one toy that sang songs about shapes. The one for triangles went:
    Triangle, A B C
    Triangle, 1 2 3
    123, it’s a triangle!
    123 and it’s a triangle!

    I can rarely see/hear a shape discussed without remembering its corresponding song.

  2. It’s interesting to read all of this backwards, like going back in time on a piece of artwork. Speaking of time, it is pretty cool to get so lost in what you’re working on that you look up at the clock and go, “Dam, it’s WHAT o’clock?”

  3. Yes, yes it is. That’s always a sign to me that I’m doing the right thing, when I forget everything else.

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