Triangle 1,2,3…4



Fourth installment by my count on this particular project. Jem came over tonight, and we worked on adding more color to our drawings. They’re coming along a lot faster than we’d thought they would. She wasn’t mad that I’d worked on the one a little bit. I still feel I’m a little behind, but I asked, and she said it was okay if I worked on it just a little more before we get together again. They’re looking pretty good now, but it’s still hard to tell what they’ll look like when they’re completely finished. We’re already starting to try and think of new ideas for the next project, though!

5 thoughts on “Triangle 1,2,3…4

  1. Tom, while I am impressed by your artistic ability, I cannot seem to get the’Electric Company’s “1,2,?3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, tweeeeelve” out of my head when I look at this. 197-‘s flashback? NAH!

  2. Heather, you’re not the only one impressed by my artistic ability (*bows humbly with gratitude*). The termite guy was by yesterday, and he commented on them as well. We’re big with the pest control crowd, what can I say?

    Both of ya: Who DOESN’T like that old Electric Company song??? It’s been quoted here before, and there’s a good reason for that. It’s awesome.

    Melissa, I did a bunch of work on the bottom one, so thanks. However, I think I should *stop* doing a bunch of work on it so that it doesn’t end up being mostly my work. It’s supposed to be a shared project.

    I was just thinking of circles last night. Hah – I did tell Jem, “We could do the next one and not have any straight lines.” She looked at me with some amount of concern and said, “I don’t think I can do that. I like straight lines.”
    I pointed out to her that there really weren’t that many straight lines on the ones we were doing now. I don’t think I won her over.

    I was making circle-y things last night. Spirals, beautiful spirals. Three of them. Man, I can’t wait to put them into action! Wait until you see the post on those. They are going to be so cool!

  3. Okay, we have to blame Heather for that, I guess, but I blame myself for wondering the same thing and not looking it up. Regardless (or irregardless, if you’re a word-neanderthal and like to destroy a perfectly good language), this is fun stuff. Thanks for the link, G!


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