Tina has finished!

Tina finished her work on the RBS base, and it’s great! Check it out!

All that’s left now is for me to mount it to said base and it’s done! (Hmmm…why is it that finishing stuff always sounds a little scary?)

Anyway, enjoy Tina’s pics, and I’ll be back with the final installment on this as soon as possible!

Stay creative.

8 thoughts on “Tina has finished!

  1. Tom-
    I really did enjoy the collaboration! Maybe we can do it again at some point? Hint, hint?

    Now, I get to sit back and wait for your updates. Looking forward to it!

  2. Yes, we can do it again at some point! Like now! I already have a project in mind. It’s been in mind for a number of weeks, actually, and I’ve been waiting until you finished this one to see how you felt about it. I’m thrilled you want to do more of it. I think this next project is going to be pretty cool, plus a little different. I’ll get with you shortly on the specifics. Rock!

  3. Guys, that looks great! It’s inspiring to see two different pieces of art complement each other so well. You should both be proud.

  4. Gen,

    I can’t wait to get the last little bit finished and put the results up. Thanks for the compliments. I’m glad Tina enjoyed contributing, because I love the results. I’m looking forward to our next project together.

  5. Wow! What a beautiful accent to your piece, Tom. Job well done to both of you! I would seriously consider spending money I don’t have (*cough*maxed out credit card*cough*) on something like that.

  6. I hear you on the credit card stuff, Olivia. Don’t worry, I’m going to make more of these. There will be other opportunities to spend money you maybe don’t have. Thanks for the positive comments!

  7. Tom-

    So when are you going to mention this mysterious new project? How long are you going to make me wait? I’ve almost finished cleaning up from the last one.

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