Soggy Directions



I was going for something on this one…and I don’t know what it was! Probably to really make this picture start to look like anything I’d need a flash. This poor guy stands out there almost every day and directs traffic in and out from a busy school parking lot, and today he had to do it in the rain. He may show up here again, though, because on some days he’s a lot less boring than the rest of my drive.

2 thoughts on “Soggy Directions

  1. I can smell the rain when I look at this picture. It’s gives sleepy, early rainy morning feeling. Makes me want coffee.

    I can’t wait until you start taking pictures of snow! But that’s the southerner in me.

  2. I kind of don’t like when the only pictures I have are these driving to work things, but sometimes that’s the way it works out. I get to sit and wait for school busses at this point in my drive fairly often (because I’m late for work, but that’s another story).

    Snow. You and your fascination with snow! We probalby won’t have any until December, maybe January, so be prepared to wait a while yet, and unless we get a surprise, we may not get all that much. It’s not like it looks like the North Pole around here for months on end.

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