


Today I was pretty exhausted, and by the end of it all the one thing I’d taken a picture of was the view outside a restaurant where I had dinner. Hmmm…you’d think I was living well to be eating out so much. I kind of would like to take some more pictures out in the rain, but the whole getting the camera wet thing obviously is a deterrent to that activity. I just like how the light looked here.

2 thoughts on “Rain

  1. Oo! Nice view. It rained here early this morning and whenever it does I make it a point to step outside and take a look at everything. Even scrap metal or trash can look pretty in the rain. It’s nature’s makeover. There’s something even prettier about a restaurant in the rain. What do you think that might be exactly? Maybe because it suggests that inside is kind of sleepy and warm. Like they might feed you and then let you take a nap. Like maybe if you’re homeless or a stray dog and it’s raining, and you’re standing in their kitchen, and they’re afraid of you. And then they drive you somewhere else while you sleep…But anyway, the rain can be nice.

  2. It was a nice view, and probably the only time that day I slowed down long enough to take it in. Maybe that’s why I decided to take the picture at that moment. It was soft rain, and somewhat warm, so it felt more inviting than unpleasant.

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