


Darrell invited me over to his place on Saturday to do some art.
“What do you want to do?” he asked.
“Oh, same thing as last time, I guess,” I said.
“Well, how about we paint?”
“Um, okay, but I can’t paint. The last time I painted was in high school.”
“It doesn’t matter. First we’ll go to the art store. I need to pick up a few more basic colors.”

When we got back from the art store he says, “I have some already, but I needed a few of the standards.” He then proceeds to upend this big plastic bin full of all the colors you see on the floor. “Some?” Okay, Darrell, if you say so.

“What should we draw on?” he asked.
“Um…poster board or paper or something?”
“No…I have some plexiglass.”
I was beginning to sense that Darrell’s line of questioning was more playful banter than any real need for input from yours truly.

Ninety minutes later we had what you see here. I still don’t think I can paint, but it was fun. Darrell is very accepting of my limited skills, which is awesome of him. All he seems to require is the willingness to dive in and give it a shot. He told me I have to come back and finish it with him later. So, no, to answer your question, it’s not finished. Hopefully some of what I did will look better when it is finished, and, no, I have no idea what it’s supposed to look like, which is sort of the fun of it.

2 thoughts on “Plexicanvas

  1. Painting on plexiglass is a neat idea. I haven’t painted in forever. Dig the turtle.

    Right now I’m supposed to be working on the book. But I wanted to finish catching up on your blog. When you check your email you’re going to see nothing but a list of my commentary on blogs that you posted weeks ago!

  2. We used what he had, I guess. It happened to be plexiglass. The turtle was Darrell’s. Mine were…I don’t know. Shapes, I guess. And, yes, there are lots of email notifications from your comments this morning! Welcome back en force!

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