Nephew’s Rolling Ball Sculpture





Begun way, way, waaaay back in, uh, whatever month it was begun in – August? – I have *FINALLY* finished the sculpture that I constructed for my nephew. I generally try to stick with the “one” rule on “one-pic-a-day,” but the RBS stuff is always special, and I wanted to provide a couple of views of the finished piece so you could get a good idea of how it looks. Thusly, you get an extra pic today. Woot!

I had to tweak and futz with things, but it wasn’t all that bad, really. It was mostly making things sturdier, and then there was the creation of the extremely cool wood base that my dad made for it so that my nephew (who is five) wouldn’t accidentally damage it every time he picked it up to move it around. It turned out quite nicely considering the initial build time on it was only six hours! I’d like to do some others around this basic theme, and I think I may get Tina to throw down some of her awesome stained wood skills on future wood bases.

Yet another art project completed! Woohooo!

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