More Art with Friends



On Tuesday my friends Andre and Amy came over and joined me for another exhilarating evening of collaborative art. It was fun, because they were new to this particular sort of work that I’ve been doing. It was kind of weird having to explain it and going over some of the same questions I’d had myself the first time I did it:

Q: “What do we draw?”
A: “Anything you like, but more along the lines of shapes and abstract stuff.”
Q: “I tend to draw sort of concrete objects. So…”
A: “Well, don’t! No, really, just kind of do what you want and we’ll see how it works out. There’s not right or wrong thing.”
Q: “When do we switch?”
A: “Whenever.”

Good times, and we came up with some pretty cool stuff!

As a footnote, my extremely sharp Awesome Readers will note that there are two days missing from this entry and the previous one. I failed hugely at getting a picture on Sunday. Quite simply, I was exhausted from the day before, and spent the evening processing pictures from the previous week’s zombie shoot and completely forgot to photograph anything! It just slipped my mind. I was angry on Monday, and sort of blew it off/forgot on purpose, and then decided to get back to it on Tuesday. I don’t know if I’m going to start my count all over again or not, but I’m going to keep shooting. We’ll see. I’m not going to just give it up. I don’t feel that’s the right thing to do, and I don’t think it’s going to make me feel any better at all about missing two days. I made a mistake, but I think I’ll be better served by moving on and continuing the work. Quitting never made me feel all that great in the past. I’m all for doing things differently these days.

2 thoughts on “More Art with Friends

  1. Don’t quit Tom! Think of it like you missed a pill and now you have to take 2 or 3 in one day to make up for it. Hang in there and keep creating stuff.

  2. Yeah, I’m not done yet. I just can’t quite throw the towel in that easily. The project deserves a little more effor than that. I’m working on some safeguard measures to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

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