Mathematical Beauty



This project was gifted to me by a teenage girl whom I don’t even know. I was hanging out with my friends, and she was at a table nearby coloring. She had some colored pencils, so it shouldn’t surprise you that I went over to look. She showed me what she was doing and said, “Here, there’s a web site you can print them out from. You can have this one,” and she gave me one that she had printed out already. I’ve been working on it little by little, just kind of more practice for arranging colors. If you need something for yourself or your kids to goof around with, the web site on the paper says, and you can go there and print out stuff like this for fun. It’s kind of a cool blending of math and visual art. There are tons of designs and some of the examples are really gorgeous!

Edit: A friend of mine saw me working on this and said, “That looks like something my wife does. She calls them ‘mandalas,’ and coloring them can be a sort of meditation process.” I thought that was interesting as all get-out, so I looked them up, and, damn, if those things aren’t ever cool! There’s some really great information on mandalas here, if you’re interested.

3 thoughts on “Mathematical Beauty

  1. Pingback: I live to write… » Blog Archive » Geometrip

  2. Michael, thanks for visiting! Yes, you may use the picture on the web site. I would appreciate it if you would give appropriate photo credit in the process. Geometrip is a great site! Thanks to all the folks who provide it.

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