It Lives!!! 8/20/09

Finally up under its own power again!

Finally up under its own power again!

Last night I got the Chevelle running again, but there wasn’t much time to drive it, as the weather turned sour very soon after I got it out of the garage. The back window leaks like a sieve, and I don’t like tearing everything out to dry it off when this happens, so it wasn’t until tonight, when I was *supposed* to do the filming for “8 Wheels of Death” that I got to drive it another little bit.

What? The filming? The filming I’ve been working toward all week? Yeah, that didn’t happen. The forecast was for 50% or better chance of thunderstorms all day, so I didn’t take the car to work so that I could drive it straight to the shoot, which is some distance away. However, by about 10am all rain had stopped, all the clouds blew over, and it looked great. I wouldn’t be able to make the shoot if I had to go home and get the car first, though, so it was a loss when we canceled it early that morning. Figures, don’t it?

Anyway, I decided to go to my photo club meeting instead, which was awesome, and I decided to drive the Chevelle there, which was also awesome. What this meant, however, was that there was precious little time left in the day (uh, night) by the time I got done at the meeting, so what you have here is the Chevelle sitting in my driveway after I got home from the meeting. It’s a little cool, though, isn’t it? It ran great tonight for the little bit that I drove it, and for that I am stupendously grateful!!!

Tomorrow I hope to return to more interesting and well-conceived photos. Until then, I hope you at least find some of this stuff amusing. Maybe?

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