I need sunlight!



My friend Heather took this picture and emailed it to me today. She lives in the south, where it’s warm…NOW! I haven’t seen this much sun in weeks! I also dig that she caught this thing mid-flight and got a bunch of detail out of it. The angle of the light was just right. So there, pictures from other people. With sun. Thanks, Heather, I needed that!

3 thoughts on “I need sunlight!

  1. Thanks T. I took this photo at the beach last weekend. I was playing with my new camera, and there were a bunch of seagulls flying over head trying to figure out how to get a piece of bread someone had dropped on the ground. This gave me the perfect opportunity to work on a bit of action stuff. The thing about this photo is that I feel like it should have a motovational phrase beneath it.

  2. Yes, perhaps something like, “Don’t stand beneath seagulls, lest you like to do laundry.”

    We still haven’t had any sunlight! It *almost* peeked out of the clouds yesterday!

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