Grab some popcorn and make yourself comfortable


…for I have plenty of movies to share. Yes, these are all VHS tapes, gathered during the dark ages before the DVD rose to prominence and guided us all with its shimmering light – which, of course, died out the moment that Blu Ray took over. But anyway, here are a few of my movies, plus some oddball random crap. See any favorites?

11 thoughts on “Grab some popcorn and make yourself comfortable

  1. Heh-heh – yeah, Matt, a classic to anyone who has ever eked out an existence behind cubicle walls. And not that hard to appreciate for anyone who has ever had an annoying boss, no matter what the job.

    “I did nothing today, and it was everything I ever thought it could be.”

  2. The ones that jumped out at me were Swingers, and all of the John Cusack movies. Office Space…I think of that movie every day that the fax machine jams here at the office. And sometimes when I walk into work I think of that song that goes, “Damn, it feels good to be a gangster.”

    Funny. With all of those John Cusack movies up there I don’t see Bullets Over Broadway. Someone should reccomend that one to you, I think.

  3. I’ve never heard of this Bullets Over Broadway. Nope. No clue what you’re talking about. None. Zero. Pity, that.

  4. Oh, Kent, that is so unfair! And we were going to make you King of the Winter Carnival.

  5. I know that has nothing to do with imperatives, I just really like that line. And Kent’s hopeful reply, “Really?”

  6. What – is it, like, your job to give me a hard time today???? Waterboy was handed off to me by a family member that was cleaning house. Granted it’s no “Run Silent, Run Deep,” but it ain’t all bad. Have I chastised you yet for not owning the “Triumph Day” video? No, but we’re still friends. I’m cool like that, see, not all judgmental and stuff. Pfft!

    Ice is nice! How’s it feel to be frozen?!!!!!!!

  7. We here at your blog took a vote and I was elected to give you a hard time today. Hee hee! But to make up for it, I shall give you a compliment. Sir, let me take this moment to compliment you on your fashion sense, particularly your slippers.

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