Down and Out

From outside one of Bloomington's most famous watering holes.

From outside one of Bloomington's most famous watering holes.

I went to Bloomington, IN tonight for dinner with a friend. We ate at Laughing Planet, because they have bodaciously good vegetarian burritos (I got the Cuban), and afterward we walked around a bit, me shooting pics occasionally. This shot is outside one of the most well-known bars in town. A similar photo was used as a cover of an CD some years ago for a band by the name of Old Pike, a band which attained some form of notoriety and looked like it might head on to bigger and better things at a certain point. I had to play around with the shot myself for fun. As I positioned myself low and outside for this one, the guy in the right of the frame just happened to walk out while I was putting it together, so I made him part of the shot.

2 thoughts on “Down and Out

  1. He did what people usually do when they suddenly realize someone is taking their picture. He stopped moving for a second, looked at me, I kept taking pictures like I wasn’t even paying attention to him, and he wandered on. I think it’s always that awkward moment where they go, “Well, I want to know if he’s taking my picture, but I don’t know why he might be taking my picture or if he is, and if he isn’t, then I’ll just feel kind of dumb, so I’m going to settle for simply feeling a little awkward and keep walking.”

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