Covered with Color



It rained this week and brought a lot of the leaves to the ground. Now my yard looks like it’s blanketed with oranges and reds and browns and yellows. It really looks kind of magical when it’s like this. Makes it nice to pull up in the driveway. This is definitely one of the highest highlights of living in the Midwest. Simply beautiful, even on a cloudy day like today.

5 thoughts on “Covered with Color

  1. Oh my.. This is so beautiful.I like how the leaves would crack when you step on them, reminds me of my young days at school 🙂

  2. That’s gorgeous, man. I’ve always wanted to live around leaves that change color. Down here they just turn brown, wither and rot before they hit the ground. Bleck!

  3. Thanks, both of you! It won’t last long, unfortunately. Even though I live right in the middle of all this, it is hard to capture it at its best. This is kind of nice, though.

  4. Yeah, I miss the wet leaves smell, but not the thought that snow and the frozen wasteland of winter is just around the corner.

  5. Heather, the fall leaves smelled *perfect* today when I got home from work! And, well, I prefer to think of winter as a wonderful break from the humidity!

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