Building blocks


These things are awesome. Very simply, they are blocks of solid steel. I actually paid for these things, odd as that may seem, but when it comes down to it, and a job has to be done, well, these chunks of metal do it well. They’re square and heavy, and sometimes that’s exactly what you (I!) need!

These are going to be every so useful in the future. I can use them to prop things up, hold things down, and as the base for clamping pieces together in a pretty immobile fashion. No more piling up pieces of (flammable) wood and clamping things this way and that. I’ll just prop them together with these things, and I’ll be on my way. Hard to believe a block of metal can actually function as such a valuable tool. It was also vaguely staggering to hear the cost for them. Metal isn’t cheap these days, even if it’s just a plain old block of it. I think a single one of these ran be about 12 or 13 bucks. I was going to get six. Yeah – that plan changed quickly. Four will do good now. You’ll be seeing these in many photos to come, I’m betting.

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