Bridge to Paradise



I love closeup detail shots like this one. If I had the proper lens I could *really* do some cool stuff…but I don’t. Maybe I should find a way to afford one. Hmmm…not sure how to do that. A new one kind of like what I want costs about $800. The one I *really* want costs something like $1500. Yeah, somehow I always get interested in things which bring high prices of entry. Bah!

Anyway, for those curious, this is a closeup of a mid-80s Fender Telecaster. The black thing with the dots is the pickup, the sorta rusty things that the strings go over is called the bridge, hence my clever little blog title. I do love the Teles. Wish I had an older one with some vintage cool to it. Wait? What’s that? You say there’s a vintage guitar show coming up this weekend? Hmmm…what can I sell?

Lens or guitar…lens or guitar…

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