Being Overrun



If you upsize this photo (just click on it), you’ll see that the lowest light, the green one, has some kind of dusty sort of cobwebby-lookin’ thing all over it. That’s what it is – a dusty-looking cobweb. Okay, so it’s weird that there’s a cobweb on a street light, right? What’s weirder is that it’s not dusty. It’s fully of dead little midge-fly things. I don’t know what the hell these things are, but they are friggin’ everywhere around my neighborhood. They don’t bite, but spider webs have started popping up all over the place, like miniature tent cities of fly-trapping death. I’m all for it, really, as it reduces the alarming fly population, but they look pretty janky when they get all full of dead bugs and just sit there after the spider has moved on. The orb weavers are gettin’ fat in the Midwest this summer, folks. I have them all around the security lights near my back door. It’s kind of freaky how prevalent they are. I was beginning to worry that it was just from me not trimming back bushes or something and giving them a place to germinate or whatever, but two blocks away I notice that the freakin’ traffic light has cobwebs on it?!?!?! Yeah, not exactly restricted to me, and even weirder than having webs on my house. I keep waiting for news stories to start popping up on these things. I’d love to know what has caused them to be so overwhelming in number this year. Maybe there will be a swarm of biblical, yet harmless, proportions.

This is just weird. It’s not a great photo. It’s actually kind of crappy, but it’s WEIRD! Had to shoot it.

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