
Many, many art mags, some children's lit, a few colored pencils, and a Nebraska license plate.  All the learnin' you need.

Many, many art mags, some children's lit, a few colored pencils, and a Nebraska license plate. All the learnin' you need.

Darrel loaned me a bunch of his art magazines, because he’s cool like that. I’ve read through one of them already. My immediate impression was that there’s a whole lot more going on out on the West Coast than there is here, but what do I know? I also learned that there’s a pretty awesome little cottage industry booming with art toys – these goofy little whimsical, weird, fun, bizarre, cute, odd and rather detailed little figures made out of all sorts of media, though vinyl seems to be really popular. Anyway, it’s fun stuff to learn about, and I’m happy to have been given the opportunity to pick up on it for free. (Free!)

4 thoughts on “Artlit

  1. Oh good lord. Come visit me in New York already. (Trust me, there’s plenty happening on both coasts. But many of the artists on each side come from the middle.) I’ll take you to the places where the art is happening, and then to one of the stores that completely makes its living off of those vinyl figures. They sell little ones for cheap in “blind boxes”. Sometimes they look like breakfast food!

    As far as the magazines, I like the square one. I never remember the name of it, I just remember that it’s the square one.

  2. Why is it that there seems to be nothing in the middle? I know that’s not the case. It can’t possibly be true that NOTHING is happening in the middle, but it seems that way. There has to be something, otherwise I wouldn’t have just gone to a play that’s part of a 10-day-long art festival here in town — and we even have more than one playhouse!

    Yeah, I was looking at more art toy stuff today. I feel a little better, though, because I showed this one to a coworker, an electrical one that has a synthesizer in it, and she 100% completely flipped out and wants one for Christmas. Good, I’m not the only one who’s insane. I’ve seen the mini Munnys packaged in blind boxes too online. It’s kind of sick how cloyingly attractive and fun they are. I’ll have one before long. You’ll see that crap on here, I guarantee it. I don’t know if it will be this week or next month, or this week next year, but I’ll end up with something.

    Maybe I should move to New York. Somewhere. A couple of years ago I felt like moving to California, though, so what does that mean? I’m still here.

  3. I’ve only seen the little ones that you decorate yourself, but I know there are ones that are nine inches tall. Are those the “big” ones?

    The electrical one, the Thingamagoop, is just tooooo much fun to watch! I want one, but they’re really expensive. I certainly don’t have money for a toy like that right now. But a 10-dollar Munny? Yeah, that’s gonna happen sooner or later.

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