Agh! The Light!



The morning after the big zombie shoot, and I am whipped! We did lots of action sequences yesterday, and while I wasn’t doing hand-to-hand combat with three zombies at once – oh, well, I was sort of doing that. Okay, so everything is sore today. This is what my day looked like all day – just too bright! I wanted to crawl into bed and just sleep it off. Gah.

I stressed out about that shoot, and I’m not even sure I did a fantastic job or anything, yet the idea of doing it again is already appealing. THAT was fun!

2 thoughts on “Agh! The Light!

  1. Ah! No! Light is not good for zombies! Or for people who haven’t had enough caffeine! Crawl back into hell and don’t come out until you’ve had a latte!

  2. Let’s not revisit this. It was a grim morning. *sips coffee and thinks about upcoming guitar show*

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